Children can teach adults how to look at life with wonder and
spontaneity. "Wisdom begins in wonder," said ancient philosopher
Summer is a time where children
are able to frolic and play without the constraints and structure of
school and rigorous activity schedules. This
can be a magical time for adults, where we relive the wonder
of a child by slowing our paces down and watching and entering
their world...where a bubble can float to fairy land or
a sand castle is home to a princess . Let
us learn from our children...let us live in the moment.
Give yourself
permission to be spontaneous. "Be open to experience," urged
self-actualization guru Abraham Maslow. Expect the
unexpected. Imagine something and make it happen. Take delight
in the simplicity of life.
This issue's featured art,
Sweet Innocence, is
perfect for capturing the little things and our
little ones, full of whimsy, color, glitter, pattern, and texture.
We offer it as a Page Pak and Album Pak.
Kaitlynn Gonzalez captures her daughter's
affection for her "baby" sweet.
Learn how to use the Page Curl Template included in this month's Sweet
Innocence Pak in the
Digital Tips Section.
Beth talks about saving art that used to grace our refrigerators in the
Idea Corner. See
layouts that have captured the essence of childhood in the
Building Blocks section.
Be sure to download
FREE Sweet Innocence Sampler and enjoy our
Coupon Code for 20% your entire order until Monday, July 16th:
summer20. Enter the coupon code during
order checkout from
our store. |
Enjoy, create, preserve, and always
keep learning!
Doris Castle, Co-Editor,
Michelle Shefveland, Founder,
and the Team at