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This issue's featured kit
Swirls of Autumn!
When I think of autumn, I think of days getting
crisper, back to school, intense soccer games,
picking Macoun apples at the local orchard with my kids,
hayrides, baking apple pies, letting make-believe creativity soar
while getting ready for Halloween and, of course, watching the leaves
as they change into nature's majesty. Watching them fall from
the trees is a magical sight to behold. This month's featured kit,
Autumn Swirls, brings this free-whirling feeling to your layouts.
This month's kit contains 10 richly textured collage
papers, oodles of elements, and also contains a
gorgeous brush set for
those of you who use Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. It's
so rewarding and fun learning to use them; just follow the simple
directions in the Digital Tips section. For those of you who use
programs that do not support brushes, each of the brushes is also
contained as a typical .png file. |
CottageArts also has a large variety
of digital art available on
CD or via
download to create
fall themed layouts with its many adventures and holidays, such
as Halloween and Thanksgiving. Take advantage of our
SHIPPING SALE on CDs through Sunday, October 8th!
Enjoy, create, preserve, and have fun
this fall!
Doris Castle, Co-Editor
and The Team at CottageArts.net
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