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Magical Magnet Cards!
Put your heart into the holidays by giving
each and every person on your Christmas card list a homemade gift!
Holiday magnet cards are easy to assemble and will "wow" each
The idea for these cards came to me when Xyron came out with a thin magnetic sheet that is easily cut with a good scissor. The biggest problem I had in assembly of the magnet card was how to mount the photo magnet to the card without a visible form of attachment. I wanted the magnet to pop on and off the card like magic. So, here's the trick: using a thin steel sheet placed under one layer of cardstock, your magnetic field becomes undetectable yet is strong enough to hold your magnet photo.
Use your imagination, choose papers that match your photo and follow
these simple steps to create your holiday magnet cards.
1. Choose and print at least two different papers larger than what
you will actually need for the card in order to assure a clean cut
around the magnet sheet and steel sheet.
2. Print your photo large enough to leave a border for your frame.
Frame your photo with a ready made frame from one of our CDs or
create your own frame with a coordinating paper by cutting the inside
with an Exacto knife.
3. Layer your photo and frame to a magnet sheet. I like to use a
Xyron to adhere this, but a strong glue will work. Trim closely
around your photo and frame.
4. Place a steel sheet between your card and another layer of printed
cardstock. This piece of cardstock needs to be about an inch larger
than the steel sheet. Place adhesive only on this one inch border,
being careful not to get adhesive on the steel sheet or the magnet
will not attach.
5. Place your magnetic photo on top and "voila", you have created a
magnetic holiday card!
You can finish the card off by adding a verse or stamp underneath your
photo magnet, or adding a tag to the top of the photo if you wish.
Written by Beth Ervin, Design Team
Member of CottageArts.net
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