When I was a little girl
I looked up to you
I was rather short
So that's all that I could do!
But today I'm all grown up
And stand tall and proud
I do all the things
A teenager is allowed.
And even though I'm taller
And can look you in the face
I still look up to you
And no one can take your place!
I don't want to stress you Dad
For your job is really hard
But if my allowance were bigger
I could have bought you a bigger card!
Happy Father's Day to Father-in-Law
You are the father of my husband
And I hope it's plain to see
That you more than a father in law
You mean the world to me!
I love the way you love your son
And the way he loves you too.
And I know the love he shows to me
Was shown first to him by you.
You planted in his heart
A seed with a tender touch
And through the years it grew and grew
That's why he can share his love so much.
I'm thankful you are my father in law
And for your sharing with your son
All the special traits
That make you such a special one.
First Father's Day
You are the hubby that I love
And will my whole life through,
And hopefully by Father's Day
You will be a Father too!
This may be the first Father's Day
That you have an official part
Of being a loving father
To child now nestled near my heart.
Happy Almost/ First Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day!
I love my husband Lord
I love my Father too.
But on this special day, Dear Lord
I'd like to honor you!
I love you so very much Dear God
That I just want to say
How much I want to praise you Lord
And Happy Father's Day!
I'm all grown up
And on my own
And still I have to say
You are the kind of Dad
For whom they created Father's Day!
You make my life so much fun
And know that I can be rather silly at times
I would write you a mushy verse
But I'm really bad at rhymes!
Mom, I celebrate with you today
The wonderful love you had
With the loved one you called husband
And the dear one I called Dad.
I know that it is hard for you
To celebrate this day
Without your sweetheart beside you
Since he was called away.
But know that he is with us
In everything we do
For he lives inside of my heart
And in the heart of you.
SO many times I see his face
In the eyesight of my heart
And know that of my very being
He has a noble part.
So celebrate with me today
And I will celebrate with you
The goodness of the Lord above
For the father he gave me
and the husband He gave you.
Thena Smith
When we spill our milk
You don't yell or fuss
Or even if we leave a trail of crumbs
You never yell at us.
You don't get upset
When we ask for a pet
Or if you ask if we did chores
That we tend to forget.
You don't mind leftovers
And wear Father's Day ties
That are not designer labels
But the kind a kid's money buys.
You don't blink at frogs
Or get screamish about snakes
And you love the cookies
That our mommy bakes.
You are the best kind of friend
That a kid ever had
A top of the line
Grade A Number One DAD!
Father's Day Silly
Father's day is a special day
It gives me a chance to say
Thank you for the things
You do for me each day.
I know I owe you thanks
And I'm feeling kind of funny
For I would have bought you a card
But I didn't have the money!
I hate to ask you Dad
Because I know you work so hard
But I need to borrow a bit of cash
To buy you a present to go with this card....